116 East 169th Street, Bronx, NY
In May 2013, Sheldon Lobel, P.C. obtained a variance from the Board of Standards and Appeals, pursuant to ZR Section 72-21, to legalize the rear enlargement of the Grand Concourse Academy Charter School, which did not comply with applicable rear yard regulations in the R8 zoning district.
Representative Matters
The Grand Concourse Academy Charter School, Bronx
116 East 169th Street, Bronx, NY
In May 2013, Sheldon Lobel, P.C. obtained a variance from the Board of Standards and Appeals, pursuant to ZR Section 72-21, to legalize the rear enlargement of the Grand Concourse Academy Charter School, which did not comply with applicable rear yard regulations in the R8 zoning district.
542-546 Howard Avenue Rezoning, Brooklyn
546 Howard Avenue, Brooklyn, NY
In April 2011, Sheldon Lobel, P.C., was successful in securing a zoning map amendment, rezoning a block bounded by Howard Avenue, Eastern Parkway Extension and Pitkin Avenue, in the Ocean Hill area of Brooklyn…
The Broad Channel Volunteer Fire Department, Queens
305 Cross Bay Blvd., Queens, NY
In November 2011, Sheldon Lobel, P.C. obtained a special permit and waterfront certification from the Department of City Planning, allowing the Broad Channel Volunteer Fire Department to construct a much-needed new firehouse in a residential district in Broad Channel, Queens.
403 Concord Avenue, Bronx
403 Concord Avenue, Bronx, NY
In April 2013, Sheldon Lobel, P.C. obtained a special permit from the Board of Standards and Appeals, pursuant to ZR Section 73-19, to permit a Use Group 3 school to renovate and occupy an existing building within an M1-2 zoning district in Community District 1 in the Bronx.
The Bronx Preparatory Charter School, Bronx
3872 3rd Avenue, Bronx, NY
Sheldon Lobel, P.C. obtained a variance and special permit from the Board of Standards and Appeals to permit construction of this charter school serving hundreds of students located in the nation’s poorest congressional district.